
It is important to consider current placement as well as future degree requirements when selecting a math course from one of the pathways.

  • Each student must consult an academic advisor to select math courses based on the math pathway that is appropriate for the degree he or she is pursuing.
  • 全球网络赌博平台开设的高级数学课程有先决条件. All of the prerequisites must have been completed or placement tests must have been taken within the last two years. 这个学生的成绩一定是2分.在一门课程中达到0或更高的分数才能继续下一门课程.
  • 所有的数学课程都使用与课程相适应的技术.


必修课程允许学生获得大学水平的垫130的数学学分, 133或139,同时也在垫040中获得额外的支持, 039, or 033.



Stand-Alone courses are for students who test or place at the 垫130 level or above.


课程# 课程名称 学分 先决条件 笔记
垫033 统计学代数 4 垫020 *

作为通往大学水平数学的另一条途径, this course introduces fundamental algebra concepts within an underlying framework of statistics and mathematical modeling based on real-world data. Major concepts and themes include: problem solving and experimental design; unit analysis and error in measurement; dimensional analysis and scientific notation; representing data and coordinate graphing; introduction to 基本描述性统计 and 概率定理; basic geometric principles (area, 体积, perimeter); arithmetic operations on numbers, 比率, 合计, and percents; solution and manipulation of formulas; modeling relationships (linear and 指数 regression); 求解方程 and inequalities; and function arithmetic and graphing. 适当的技术包括图形计算器. The 数学 department recommends that the prerequisite not be more than two years old. 如果前提条件是两年以上, then the recommendation is that the course placement exam be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫039 开始代数 4 垫020 *

Students will build algebraic skills working with linear and 二次 expressions and equations. 本课程特别强调图形和直线方程, 分解技术, 以及求解二次方程的方法. The 数学 department recommends that the prerequisite not be more than two years old. 如果前提条件是两年以上, then the recommendation is that the course placement exam be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫040 定量推理基础 4

定量推理基础 provides extra support for students concurrently enrolled in 垫130 定量推理. 本课程将回顾垫130考试所需的数学主题, 并将为学生提供复习的机会, 问问题, 并在垫130的内容上获得额外的帮助.

垫130 定量推理 4 垫030

定量推理培养学生的分析能力, 综合和交流定量信息. Cultivates algebraic reasoning and modeling skills through a quantitative literacy lens. 强调批判性思维和在应用环境中使用多种策略. 主题包括比例和统计推理, 概率, 以及偏倚和效度的评估.

垫133 概率论 & 统计数据 4 垫033*或MAT 131或更高

本课程是一门实验设计入门课程, 数据表示, 基本描述性统计, 概率定理, 频率分布和函数, 二项和正态概率分布和函数, 概率密度函数, 假设检验, 统计推断, 卡方分析, 线性回归, 以上内容在信息制作中的关联与应用, 现实世界竞赛中的数据驱动决策. 将使用图形计算器和计算机统计软件. 如果前提条件是两年以上, then the 数学 department recommends the course placement exam be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫135 有限的数学 4 MAT 035或垫131 *或更高

This course is for student whose programs do not require trigonometry (or the Calculus sequence). 所包含的主题是线性的, 指数, 二次, polynomial and 对数 functions and models: systems of linear equations; 线性回归; 数学 of finance and financial modeling; matrices, linear programming; permutations; combinations, 概率 theory; probabilistic simulations; decision theory; descriptive statistics; and Markov chains. The 数学 department recommends the pre-requisite not be more than two years old. 如果先决条件超过两年 the recommendation is the course placement assessment be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫139 大学代数 4 垫039 *

代数函数、图和模型. 重点放在以下函数类型:多项式, 指数, 对数, 理性与激进. 在所有的主题领域, 涵盖的内容包括简化表达式, 求解方程, 使用转换绘制图形, 数学建模和解决问题.

垫141 有关微积分的知识 5 垫139 *

本课程的重点是概念函数. 研究多项式, 理性的指数, 对数, 三角函数和反三角函数, 它们的属性, 图形和相关方程及其应用. 其他主题包括方程组、矩阵和二次曲线. 图形计算器是必需的,并且被广泛使用. The 数学 department recommends the pre-requisite not be more than two years old. 如果先决条件超过两年, the recommendation is the course placement exam be taken or the pre-requisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫151 微积分我 4 垫141 *

第一门商业微积分课程, 数学, 工科学生探索平面解析几何入门, 导数, 代数积分及其应用, 三角, 指数函数和对数函数. The 数学 department recommends that the prerequisite not be more than two years old. 如果前提条件是两年以上, then the recommendation is that the course placement exam should be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫154 微积分二世 5 垫151 *

This course explores the following topics: methods and applications of 导数 and integral for inverse 三角 and hyperbolic functions, 不定式, 函数的级数和极坐标/参数表示. 需要绘图计算器. The 数学 department recommends the pre-requisite not be more than two years old. 如果先决条件超过两年, the recommendation is the course placement exam be taken or the pre-requisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫210 数学基础1 4 垫131 *

This course provides background material for students preparing to teach at the elementary level and emphasizes the structure and properties of the number system. 它还涵盖了一些概念, 整数算法中的模型, 整数, 分数, 小数和百分数. 可能需要一些额外的现场工作时间. The 数学 department recommends that the prerequisite not be more than two years old. 如果前提条件是两年以上 the recommendation is the course placement exam be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫211 数学基础2 4 垫210

This course will provide the second semester of math content for elementary education majors. 这是垫210数学基础I的继续课程. 主题包括概率和统计,几何和测量. The 数学 department recommends that the prerequisite not be more than two years old. 如果前提条件是两年以上 then the recommendation is that the course placement exam be taken or the prerequisite be retaken to ensure the success of the student.

垫251 微积分三世 4 垫154

课程主题包括向量值函数的微积分, 多变量函数和向量场. 固体解析几何和材料的应用嵌入在整个. 使用计算机代数系统是本课程的一部分. 技术说明:学生需要带一台笔记本电脑去上课. 这台计算机必须满足Maple的最低系统要求:http://www.maplesoft.com/products/system_requirem树人.注意:chromebook和其他平板电脑是不够的.

垫254 微分方程 4 垫154

在本课程中, 学生将探索一阶微分方程的解, 线性微分方程, 具有恒定系数, 参数变化, 系列解决方案, 拉普拉斯变换, eigenvectors and eigenvalues and application to solution of systems of linear first order equations. 使用计算机代数系统是本课程的一部分 Technology Note: Students need to bring a laptop computer to all classes. 这台计算机必须满足Maple的最低系统要求:http://www.maplesoft.com/products/system_requirem ent.aspx. 注意:chromebook和其他平板电脑无法使用.